People are often surprised when they learn that they are automatically enrolled as a member of At Home In Darien when they turn 60 and that membership is free!
Being a member means you’re part of a group – and we think At Home in Darien is a very important and special group. In neighboring towns, seniors pay to be part of similar aging in place organizations and membership can cost as much as $500 a year.
But, membership in At Home In Darien is different! It requires just two simple things: You need to be a Darien resident and you need to be 60 years of age or older. Membership is free and members have access to all of our friendly and reliable services without paying a fee.
In the fall of 2015 we mailed out almost 3,500 personalized membership cards, one to every Darien resident who was 60 or older. Now, every Darien resident receives a birthday card in the mail shortly after turning 60 years old along with his or her personalized At Home In Darien membership card. We want every member to have a membership card, not only to have a sense of belonging, but to also have our contact information at your fingertips. We think you’ll appreciate the perks and benefits available to you at local businesses all over town simply by showing your membership card.
A list of offers can be found on our website (under the services tab and then membership benefits) or it can be accessed by clicking here.
If you have a suggestion of a business you would like to see on our list, please let us know. We’ll reach out to them to see if they would like to be part of the ever-growing list of business and retail establishments in town that offer incentives to At Home In Darien members. And when you visit a retailer, ask if they know about the membership card. If not, let us know and we will take it from there.
We know 60 is still young and you might not need our services right now, but we are here for you and those you care about if and when the need arises. We hope you’ll take advantage of our services, support our efforts, and consider volunteering with us!
If you are a Darien resident, 60 years or older and don’t have a card, we are happy to send you one. Just give us a call at 203.655.2227.
We hope you enjoy the privileges of your membership!